Health & Safety

Care Preference Ltd is a care provider who primarily provide support to adults with neuro-muscular conditions. We provide high standard individual care to meet our service users need. This policy is applicable to Care Preference Ltd & its service users & others who may fall within policy parameters.

We are committed to ensuring the health, safety & welfare of all employees & fully accept our responsibility for other persons who may be affected by our activities such as service users & visitors within the parameters of our organisation. We ensure that other workers not in our employment are competent to undertake the necessary actions to perform their duties in a safe manner. We comply with all applicable legal requirements that we subscribe to. We will create an Occupation Health & Safety Management System which will become fully adopted across the organisation throughout 2020. We aim to have a new Occupational Health & Safety Management System in place & operational before the end of 2020.

Our main objectives of this policy & relevant arrangements are to make clear our intention, put in place a set time & framework for setting Occupational Health & Safety objectives, & prevent injuries, accidents & incidents during our activities;

  • To Prevent a reduced level of care & support provided to our clients that could be detrimental to Care Preference Ltd
  • Events & incidents that may affect the reputation & good name of the company

The highest responsibility for establishing, implementing & monitoring the policy against its aims, lies with the registered managers & director of the company – Mr Neil James, who will ensure the provision of;

  • Resources including finance, equipment, personnel & time to ensure the Health & Safety of all employees & others who may be affected;
  • Objectives for planning, development & review of this Health & Safety policy;
  • Clear information, instruction, training & supervision;
  • Equipment & systems of work that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe & without risks to health;
  • Safe & healthy working conditions including the provision of adequate welfare facilities;
  • Commit to perform risk assessments to prioritise elimination of hazards & reduce occupational health & safety risk so far as is reasonably practicable;
  • Commit to continuous improvement of the Health & Safety Management system;
  • Consult with the workforce on Health & Safety issues;
  • Encourage all staff to set a high standard of safety by personal example;
  • Every new employee will be given Health & Safety guidance & each employee will be given refresher information, instruction & training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities;
  • By working within the guidelines & requirements of the local authority & Health & Safety legislation.

Health & Safety is an integral part of our business & activities. Our employees should not forget their own personal responsibility. Every employee has a legal duty to cooperate with us to enable this policy & associated arrangements to be successfully implemented.

Where an employee has control over an activity in any area, they must comply with our policies relating to that task. It is the duty of every person ( as required by legislation) while at work;

  • To take reasonable care for the health & safety of themselves & of all other persons who may be affected by their actions;
  • Not to interfere or misuse, intentionally or recklessly, anything provided in the interest of Health & Safety or Welfare;
  • To alert management of any concerns about Health & Safety.

This policy shall be communicated to all persons working on behalf of Care Preference Ltd via email.

This policy shall be monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It shall be reviewed annually & if necessary, revised sooner in the light of legislative or organisational changes.

The successful implementation of this policy requires the total commitment at all levels of the organisation, please work with us to make Care Preference Ltd  exemplary in securing the Health & Safety of all persons we work with & alongside.